Tag Archives: IOT

Connected Thinking

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Eric Schaeffer explains in his book how the industrialized world is changing and effecting the ways we should think about creating value. A lot has been written already on Industry 4.0 and to underline the fact his book is thinking beyond the next horizon, he called Industry 10 or “Industry X.0”.

I liked the ideas and examples he gave on moving from a product focused industry, over a client focused, towards a value focused industry. Consumers don’t want a product anymore they want a service and even an outcome. To repeat a well-known example: “Philips doesn’t deliver light-bulbs anymore but guaranteed illumination”.

An overview presentation of the major arguments you can find here;

Architecting the Internet of Things

Some highlights from the “Architecting the Internet of Things” by Dieter Uckelmann et al.

IOT requires an open, scalable, secured and standardized infrastructure to allow for person to object and object to object communication. As the cost of infrastructure goes down the amount events that can be tracked through sensor data will increase resulting in deep immerging of technologies in our day to day live.

IOT evolved and is evolving:

  1. Intranet of things
  2. Extranet of things
  3. Internet of things
  4. Internet of things and people

How to create web 2.0 or the social web? It is al about sharing: sharing becomes the norm. The financial and non-financial incentives of sharing according to the laws of information:

  • Information can be shared with other without it losing its vale.
  • The value of information increases with it use. Unused information does not provide any value.
  • Information is perishable and the value decreasing over time.
  • The value of information increase with its accuracy.
  • The value of information increase with it is combined with other information.
  • More information is not necessary better. Relevant information is.
  • Information is not depletable.

Architecting IoT: Notes, Concepts & Ideas!

What is IoT?

“Internet of Things (IoT) is an integrated part of future Internet and could be defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual ‘things’ have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network”

What is IoT NOT?

  • Ubiquitous passive computing: this does not require object or internet infra
  • IP: not linked to a specific protocol
  • Communication technology: IOT requires communication but it not prescribes how it must be done
  • Embedded device (like RFID): there must be a information infrastructure backend
  • Applications: combination of hardware and software
  • The internet of people: objects are an important aspect
  • Intranet or Extranet of Things: not limited to a small group of stakeholders (=closed-loop instead of open-loop)

In this presentation following topics are coffered

  • What is IoT?
  • What does IoT Architecture looks like?
  • What is Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS)?
  • What is Intelligent Cloud and Intelligent Edge (Azure Edge)?
  • What is Open Platform Communication’s Unified Architecture (OPC-UA)?