Controlling the Fitness of Your Software Architecture!
In their book “Building Evolutionary Architectures”, N. Ford, R. Parsons and P. Kua introduce a new way to look at software architecture where changes to requirements become part of the business as usual. These concepts were already set in motion by Agile, DevOps and CI/CD but the authors add a […]
Enterprise Architecture as Strategy
Enterprise Architecture (EA) as Strategy by Ross, Weill and Robertson was written some time ago in 2006 but still has valuable insights to offer. The book rightfully underlines that EA is not an IT problem but a business problem to solve. Hence EA as strategy since business should be in […]
The War on Eco-Systems and Platforms!
Whilst researching the structure, organization and benefits of business eco-systems, I came across two great books that I used as reference to create a POC for dynamic contracts: Platform Revolution by Jeremy G. Philips Platform Scale by Sangeet P. Choudary Platform Ecosystems by Amrit Tiwana For the research I looked […]
Managing the Unmanageable
“When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers”. In managing the unmanageable, Mantle and Lichty, explain how to run a software development team from hiring and firing to project inception and delivery. Interesting read for every project manager. The book covers eight topics: Software […]
The Imposter’s Handbook
The Imposter’s Handbook by Rob Conery The Imposter’s Handbook is a fun to read book. It starts from the idea that anyone without a Computer Science degree can get quickly into the most common concepts, slang and buzzwords used in the IT industry. We all know that we use CS […]
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Eric Schaeffer explains in his book how the industrialized world is changing and effecting the ways we should think about creating value. A lot has been written already on Industry 4.0 and to underline the fact his book is thinking beyond the next horizon, he called Industry 10 or “Industry […]
Pro Office 365 Development
“Pro Office 365 Development” by Mark J. Collins and Michael Mayberry The book touches a lot of topics with regards to the Office 365 platform. It is a good introduction but it stays rather high-level. I would have loved more information on security and custom rest API integration. Follow Me:
The Checklist Manifesto
Atal Gawande wrote in 2008 a thesis on the need for checklists in hospital emergency centers. His idea was that deadly mistakes were made not because people were not trained but because people didn’t apply rigorously what they know. The thesis became the basis of the book “The Checklist Manifesto“ […]
The Passionate Programmer
In the Passionate Programmer, Chad Fowler describes ways you can have “a remarkable career in software engineering.” He organizes the advice using 5 axes: Choose your market You lead or you bleed. You need to find your competitive advantage and cultivate it. Invest in your product Learn from the best […]
Architecting the Internet of Things
Some highlights from the “Architecting the Internet of Things” by Dieter Uckelmann et al. IOT requires an open, scalable, secured and standardized infrastructure to allow for person to object and object to object communication. As the cost of infrastructure goes down the amount events that can be tracked through sensor […]