Four reasons why innovation fail!

No Execution Power:
- Execute ideas, do not just gather ideas!
- Not only brainstorm on ideas but being empowered to realize ideas!
Missing Institutionalization of Innovation
- If we are working 9:00 – 19:00 at the client, when are we going to innovate?
- Make innovation part of the yearly business cycle: marketing – sales – finance!
- If people only can work on the short term performance there will be no attention to the long term innovation?
No Continuous Innovation Process:
- Not invented here syndrome: innovation often forgets to look from outside-in to apply insights from the outside!
- Speed and momentum are important: hackathons, innovation Fridays … focus on less ideas but realize them and expand when maturity is reached!
Missing Flexibility for Innovation:
- Unpredictability means nobody can’t predict the outcome. Sometimes great ideas lead to bad or unexpected results!
- Be able to deal with continuous change. Being able to let go and not want to control everything. Pivot to the next thing!