97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

Advice from 97 experts combined in one book full of wisdom is the one-line summary for “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know” by Kevlin Henney.

The book focusses on all aspects of software development.

The topics it covers are:

  • Bugs and fixes
  • Build and deployment
  • Code guidelines and code layout
  • Design principles and coding techniques
  • Domain thinking
  • Errors, error handling and exceptions
  • Learning, skills and expertise
  • Nocturnal and magical
  • Performance, optimization and representation
  • Professionalism, mindset and attitude
  • Programming languages and paradigms
  • Refactoring and code care
  • Reuse versus repetition
  • Schedules, deadlines and estimates
  • Simplicity
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Tests, testing and testers
  • Tools, automation and development environments
  • Users and customers



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